diet wordsWords. How much power can they have? A lot. In fact, words can be the powerful tools for healing as well as the destructive weapons of dysfunction. What is in a word? To some…everything. For those who suffer with eating disorders, the power that words have is immeasurable at times. Either the words they use against themselves in their own negative self-dialogue, or the words that others use without knowing at all, the destructive force that has been given to them.

Words such as “fat”, “thin”, skinny”, “thick”, “healthy”, “big” may be benign in the language of those are able to accept them for they are – words. The eating disorder person hears so much more than simply a “word”.

“FAT” OR “THICK” OR “BIG” = unworthy, failure, loser, lazy, worthless, useless, ugly, powerless, out of control, unwanted.

“THIN” or “SKINNY” = success, good enough, worth something, purpose, in control, acceptance, desirable, smart

These are only but a few of the ways that the words can be experienced as daggers and the meaning the eating disorder places on them, the wounds. For many who do not understand the language of the eating disorder, there can be a lot of confusion and frustration. For those who are living with the eating disorder there is a failure and inability to truly communicate what they are experiencing.

If you struggle with an eating disorder it could be helpful to create your own dictionary of the words you live with and the meaning they have to you. By identifying these definitions, you may possibly be able to begin to communicate your needs in a different way.

In order to truly address the underlying issues of an eating disorder the process of both individual and family therapy is necessary. Eating disorders cripple the art of communication and although those who struggle are communicating, they are speaking in a language that others who do not suffer, may not understand. Reach out today and learn the language that you or your loved one may be speaking.

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