beauty girl cryThe world of eating disorders are a self-made prison. It is possible to free yourself. Most who are currently struggling with an eating disorder don’t believe this to be the case, but it is. The main culprit that keeps an eating disorder alive and active is the negative self-talk that persists in the mind. You have the volume control and can turn  that voice down through therapeutic interventions such as cognitive restructuring, mindfulness based exercises, and alternative ways to cope. It is about changing the distortions in the thinking, creating a new voice to be heard and giving yourself permission to hear it. Those who struggle with eating disorders often have unrealistic expectations of themselves and others, experience disappointment in most of their relationships and fail to see any positive attributes in their own behaviors. Those with eating disorders have to learn how to live with their “drug of choice” if you will – in substance addiction total abstinence is an option; however, you have to eat to live – so like with many other cross addictions, it is learning balance and moderation.

In order to begin to intervene on yourself, you need to ask yourself:

1. Who is the voice in your head?

2. What are the things that this voice is telling you?

3. How much of you reinforces this voice through your own choices and behaviors?

4. What do you want to tell this voice?

By increasing your awareness of the “voice” of your eating disorder you can empower yourself to fight back. Take your power back and battle the negative self-talk you have become accustomed to. Develop your own mantra that you will repeat each time your voice begins to talk to you. YOU are in control here and you need to make it known!!!

There is freedom from Eating Disorders, you need to fight for your freedom.

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